SEO Services


seo-map-services-2We deliver excellent results, but we don’t promise impossibilities.  Any SEO services “guaranteeing” any #1 positions, 1st page etc, is bluffing you. Sure they might get lucky, but they might not. Nobody can guarantee these things,  unless they use under-handed methods that could get your site banned from search engines.

The search engine algorithms are too intricate to guarantee anything long term. And if they do ‘get lucky’, they don’t know how to maintain it. Don’t waste your money just to end up back where you started, or worse, banned by the search engines for shifty SEO techniques. knows all the ins and outs of search engine rulings and guidelines from the last 14 years, so there is no chance of fake success, then dropping back or dropping off. We work for stable, long term, solidly improving results, with no nasty surprises.


Algorithm Recovery – Did your site drop out of the search results, or disappear to the 19th page? Sometimes when a search engine changes its algorithms, it catches practises that it considers inappropriate, so it can ban that site from its organic listings. This can be fixed. Or sometimes the algorithms select new and different orders in which to list search results. Because of this, if you had configured your website to list for a certain few keywords, then it might disappear behind 12 or 50 other websites now. This can be fixed too. We work with long term vision too, so that these kinds of changes don’t affect you so drastically in the future.

Blackhat SEO Recovery – Have you tried to get a bargain and ended up banned from Google for inappropriate linking or shady SEO techniques? You need to be very careful to whom you trust your online presence. This is the online face of your company, your reputation. If somebody plays with it, it can take some time to recoup your losses and recover your credibility. Like many things in life, it is not worth cutting corners, as it is a big risk to take. There are literally thousands of shoddy SEO “specialists” out there, whose only specialty is taking your money. Then it costs you double to repair. Don’t be fooled by smooth talking, big promises and flashy images. And certainly don’t be fooled by fantastic low prices and pledges of non-stop work. This is a complete scam. You need someone with superb English skills and proper high level advanced education to maintain your presence in this very competitive search engine market.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – General SEO on new and established sites is something we certainly specialize in. We focus more so on SEO than anything else, as this is where the main success of your online presence lies. You can certainly be encouraged to spend money on Adwords advertising and other additions, but at the end of the day, you wouldn’t need all that if you are just ranking well, and continually improving. Being well listed organically negates the need for loads of articles, links and Adwords expense. Each to their own, but we do what we know best. Our SEO services will provide solid long term performance.

Search Engine Marketing – To a certain degree, this can be useful, lets say for a website that is brand new and still finding its footing in the search results or index. In the rare cases when this is genuinely needed, we will recommend it and help you manage your campaigns. But this is not something we push on people, unless they specifically want to spend more money and be visible NOW.

Web Design – We do also create websites for small to medium size businesses, and can tailor a package to suit your needs. Sometimes to repair a broken image, a whole new domain and site is required to quickly get you back in the spotlight with a fresh new image. Sometimes a website is not performing well simply because the coding is all wrong on a current out of date website. Whether you are a new or established company, whether you just need a simple pleasant website presence, or a more dynamic e-commerce solution, we can create something beautiful and functional, that meets all your expectations. And you won’t be banned from search engines when you represent your company with an Expert SEO Group website!

Facebook & Social Marketing – For some people, social networking can work wonders if they have an established community group list, or a large number of friends on their friend list. We can assist you in creating fan pages, getting followers/ likes, blasting tweets and posts to all your social sites with one click, and much more. To get word of mouth and ‘buzz’ going, social networking can be a treasure of contacts. If you get your marketing and wording right, search engines can also pick up your social network listings, allowing you to potentially dominate your category or locality.


Contact us today to discuss what we can do for you.